❗ This book is WIP ❗


Graviton is a cross-platform code editor that aims to be lightweight and fast. It's written in Rust and TypeScript.

Learn More


This section contains information for Developers who want to build on Graviton.



Third-party extensions run in a sandboxed JavaScript environment. Powered by a embedded runtime of Deno.

They are loaded pn startup from a specific folder of the user's system:


Creating a basic extension

Let's create a folder in our .graviton/extensions and go inside it:

mkdir my_extension
cd my_extension

Then, we need to create a manifest file called Graviton.toml in TOML, this file contains some identification and description metadata about the extension.

name = "My Extension"
id = "my-extension"
author = "Jack Sparrow"
version = "0.1.0"
repository = "https://github.com/JackSparrow/graviton-extension"
main = "main.js"

And finally, we need to create the entrypoint of our extension that will be run by Graviton, let's name it main.js, as we specified above in the manifest file:

const item = await Graviton.crateStatusbarItem("Click me!");

await item.show();

item.onClick(() => {
    item.setLabel("You clicked me!")

Graviton.whenUnload().then(() => Graviton.exit())

Now open Graviton and you should see a new statusbar item with the text "Click me!". For each change you make you will need to reload Graviton as it doesn't provide hot reloading, yet.

For Contributors

Building 🧰

Graviton Desktop


Installing dependencies:

cd Graviton-App
pnpm install

To develop, run:

pnpm run dev_desktop

To create a binary / installer, run:

pnpm run build_desktop

To run automated tests:

pnpm test

To lint all the code:

pnpm run lint

To format all the code:

pnpm run format